Are you an individual or a business owner looking to stay on top of your finances? One of the most important steps to doing this is to have a detailed and structured plan to help monitor your spending each month. It’s important to plan out your budget and overall cash...
Do You Know Just How Much an Employee Benefits Plan Can Do to Take Care of Employees and Their Families?
Wiegers Financial & Benefits is one of Saskatchewan's largest private financial planning and group benefits consulting firms n. In the war on talent, it’s imperative that you stand out. More than ever, employees are choosing employers who care, and a...
Business and Life Coaching: What It Is and Why You Should Consider It
In 1990 I attended a conference in Quebec City where one of the speakers was a business and life coach. I saved his card and thought what he had to say would help me professionally in my business. Long story short, I signed up for his program. I paid approximately...
Buy-Sell and Shareholder Agreements: What Happens When Business Partners No Longer Want to Be in Business Together?
Wiegers Financial & Benefits is a prominent leader among Saskatchewan's private financial planning and employee benefits consulting firms. Our Financial Planning Division is dedicated to offering business owners, individuals, and families top-notch investment and...
Buy-Sell and Shareholder Agreements: What Happens When a Business Partner Dies?
We left off last week discussing why it’s important for individuals operating a business together to have a legal agreement that addresses what will happen with the business if either party becomes disabled. In this edition of Intentional Success, I speak to the...
The Importance of Getting the Future of Your Business in Writing: Buy-Sell Agreements and Shareholder Agreements
Wiegers Financial & Benefits stands as one of Saskatchewan's premier privately-owned firms specializing in financial planning and employee benefits consulting. Within our Financial Planning Division, we offer expert investment and insurance planning services to...
How to Set and Find Your Path With Goal Planning
Your life is ever-evolving and multi-faceted, and so are your goals. Wiegers Financial & Benefits offers a holistic approach to financial planning to ensure that no matter how your circumstances and goals change and no matter how complex they become, we cover all...
What You Might Consider Doing If You’ll be Leaving Behind a Large Estate
Your life is ever-evolving and multi-faceted, and so are your goals. Wiegers Financial & Benefits offers a holistic approach to financial planning to ensure that no matter how your circumstances and goals change and no matter how complex they become, we cover all...
Up to Date or Out of Date? Everything You Need to Keep Current in Your Financial Plan
Your life is ever-evolving and multi-faceted, and so are your goals. Wiegers Financial & Benefits offers a holistic approach to financial planning to ensure that no matter how your circumstances and goals change and no matter how complex they become, we cover all...
How Practicing Daily Gratitude is a Game-Changer
Gratitude. It’s something I started paying especially close attention to practicing after I read The Gratitude Diaries by Janice Kaplan - an excellent book and quick read that speaks to the far-reaching benefits of being grateful for what we have. Gratitude has a huge...