In 1990 I attended a conference in Quebec City where one of the speakers was a business and life coach. I saved his card and thought what he had to say would help me professionally in my business. Long story short, I signed up for his program. I paid approximately $2,500 per year to join and flew to Calgary once every three months to attend.
My initial decision to join the coaching program – named The Strategic Coach by Dan Sullivan – was to make my business more efficient and profitable. I found the program extremely valuable to me both personally and professionally. It gave me tools and concepts to work with that enabled me to build my business from one employee to a team today of 45 people.
The coaching sessions happened quarterly, and I would show up in a classroom style seating with 15 – 20 other entrepreneurs. Initially my group included only financial services people but today it includes business owners from every sector in the economy.
Joining this program was one of the most impactful decisions I have ever made. Looking back, it helped me both build a successful business and have a great personal life. Most people think you have to give all of your personal time away to have a great business life. This program, when applied properly, yields time for both.
Business owners who join this program typically should earn $150,000+ per year in order for it to make sense (1991 figures). At that point, owners are usually hitting the ceiling of complexity and need some form of intervention. The Coach program was the answer for me.
If you are a growth minded person and want a great personal and professional life, then you should consider a coaching program. In my case, once every three months, I take a one day time-out to get the 40,000 foot view on my life personally and professionally. Rather than working in my personal or business life, I am working on it.
Over the next several editions of Intentional Success, I will share with you many of my takeaways and concepts from the program.
Insurance Representative, Wiegers Financial and Insurance Planning Services Ltd.
Financial Planner, Manulife Wealth Inc.
The opinions expressed are those of the author and may not necessarily reflect those of Manulife Wealth Inc.
Mutual funds are offered through Manulife Wealth Inc. Insurance products and services are offered through Wiegers Financial & Insurance Planning Services Ltd. Banking products and services are offered by referral arrangements through our related company Manulife Bank of Canada.
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