ReDefine your relationship with your mind and body!
The struggle with our forever changing bodies is REAL. Whether you are a teenager struggling with body image, a man or woman struggling with being overweight, a middle-aged person struggling with our changing metabolism, or an elderly person with a need to maintain muscle, stay flexible and mobile, it is a real issue not knowing the actual steps to take to feel in control of our changing bodies. In turn, this creates great disharmony within us, which can affect every aspect of our lives. VERY MIND and HEART CONSUMING.
The great news?
There is a solution. With education on how to eat for weight loss and maintenance, and proper workouts, you truly can ReDefine your relationship with your Mind and Body. ReDefine Health and Fitness with Angie was born as a result and has great purpose. Let Angie Carriere of ReDefine Health & Fitness With Angie take the guess work out of how to make the change.
As a Certified Personal Trainer, Weight Loss Coach and Certified Keto Coach, Angie is very excited to offer Saskatoon and Waskesiu a variety of LIVE Fitness Classes. Worldwide, she offers FANTASTIC Virtual Fitness Coaching and Classes, Personal Services and Education on Healthy Eating for Weight Loss and Maintenance. and well as meal plans that get you results!
About Angie
Angie Carriere truly understands the internal battle that is created by excess weight and body changes that come with over-eating, having children and/or an aging body. She truly believes that every person deserves to ‘Feel Amazing’ and does everything in her power to teach, inspire and coach for that inner FREEDOM for each and every one of her clients.
Angie is certified both as a Keto Coach and Weight Loss Coach, as well as a Certified Personal Trainer. With over 27 years of experience in the Counselling and Coaching field from her previous career, she brings a wealth of Knowledge and Passion into the Health and Wellness Field.
Contact Angie now and Feel Amazing!
20% off weight loss and health coaching, and 20% off the virtual fitness app.
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