A dollar sign in a circle  preferred partners logo for Wiegers financial and benefits in Saskatoon, SK

Locally owned and operated, Supplement World (formerly Herc’s Nutrition) offers competitively priced supplements to Saskatoon with the best customer service and advice in the industry. They take the time to learn about your health and fitness goals and work with you to design an intelligent supplementation program that is customized for your lifestyle to help maximize your results, improve your quality of life, and keep you healthy!

Clients are eligible for a 10% discount.


Supplement World

821 Central Avenue, Unit #6
Saskatoon, SK

214 Stonebridge Blvd.
Saskatoon, SK
Phone: (306) 653.4372

Website: www.supplementworldcanada.com


The Wellness Partners Program is offered through Wiegers Financial and Insurance Planning Services Ltd.

Wellness Partner with Wiegers Financial & Benefits Supplement World Saskatoon

Hear from other happy customers in their Google Reviews!

We’d Love to Help You With Your Benefits Plan