Wrapping Up the 2024 Grillin’ For Gratitude Season
At Wiegers Financial & Benefits, we deeply believe that a thriving community benefits everyone. This value is the driving force behind our support for Grillin’ For Gratitude, a turnkey fundraiser empowering local charities to make a lasting impact.
This year’s season of Grillin’ was a resounding success! Over the course of the summer, 22 incredible charities raised more than $10,500 for their causes. From sizzling burgers to heartfelt conversations, each BBQ was a testament to the power of community and giving back.
What is Grillin’ For Gratitude?
Grillin’, hosted in partnership with Ideas Inc., provides smaller, volunteer-driven charities with a unique opportunity: a platform to raise funds without upfront costs, allowing them to keep 100% of the proceeds. Thanks to the unwavering support of Title Sponsor Wiegers Financial & Benefits and BBQ Sponsor Boryski’s Butcher Block Ltd., this initiative continues to foster meaningful community engagement year after year.
“Community is part of our values, and I’m grateful to have a team here at Wiegers that is passionate about it as well. We are proud to support Grillin’ For Gratitude as a sponsor and a source of volunteerism within our team.” – Colton Wiegers, CEO
The Impact of Grillin’ For Gratitude
Since it began in 2019, Grillin’ For Gratitude has raised over $50,000 for local non-profits. Beyond the financial support, it has ignited a spirit of giving, brought people together, and raised valuable awareness for causes that matter.
Each Saturday during the season, the grill was fired up at Gather Local Market, and the community came together to enjoy food, support charities, and make a difference. Check out our recent blog to learn which charities participated this year.
These events weren’t just about fundraising—they were about building stronger connections and showcasing the incredible work being done by these organizations.
Looking Ahead to the Next Season
We’re incredibly proud of the role Grillin’ For Gratitude plays in strengthening our community and empowering local non-profits. A heartfelt thank you goes out to every organization, volunteer, and donor who contributed to this year’s success.
As we close this chapter, we’re already looking forward to next year’s BBQs. Together, we’ll continue to inspire generosity, support vital causes, and make a lasting impact.
Stay tuned for updates, and if you know a charity interested in joining next year, contact info@gatherlocalmarket.ca to secure their spot.
Building Community, Guiding Futures, Together Towards Better.
At Wiegers Financial & Benefits, we’re proud to live out our values through initiatives like Grillin’ For Gratitude. Supporting our community isn’t just something we do—it’s who we are.
Let’s continue to build a thriving community together.
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