Farmers have unique needs. While running a successful farm is extremely rewarding, it can also be challenging, in large part because of the different issues that come with it. Wiegers Financial & Benefits has extensive experience working with farmers like you, and can help develop custom solutions based on your particular needs.
One or more of our team members will meet with you for a detailed discussion about the objectives you have for your family and farm, and they will then custom-design a plan aimed at helping you reach them.
Your plan will address questions that you need answered including:
Do I have sufficient financial resources to meet my income needs during retirement or while transitioning the farm?
How do I treat my non-farming children fairly? I want there to be harmony in my family when I’m gone.
How can I minimize the tax bite in my long-term estate planning?
How do I protect a 3rdor 4thgeneration farm transfer against my child’s potential future marital breakdown?
How can I plan so that the farm is financially viable for my successors?
Financial markets are volatile. How can I protect my nest egg from a loss of capital while still providing income?
How do I protect my family’s future in the event of death, disability, or critical illness?
Whatever your questions, our team will design a tailored plan to help ensure your – and your family’s – financial success. It will be thorough, but flexible enough to allow for unexpected impacts, and will be reviewed regularly to ensure you remain on track.
Resources for Farmers
Read more in our extensive blog library where our financial experts have written informative articles such asThe Future of Your Farm’s Estateand others that pertain directly to farmers.
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