Wiegers Financial & Benefits is pleased to serve as benefits advisor to the following associations in providing the best benefit options to their members.
Wiegers Financial & Benefits advises on the following plans:
Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance Plan
Join the Group
It’s the simple, stable, smart choice. More than 30,000 Canadian businesses currently enjoy the group dental and health insurance the Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance Plan provides. The Chambers Plan has been protecting Canadian firms from coast to coast for over 40 years.
As a representative of the Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce, Wiegers Financial & Benefits can help tailor a Chambers group benefits plan to meet your unique needs.
What sets the Chambers Plan apart?
Available for 1 – 50 employees.
Customizable coverage.
Rate stability. Claims are pooled, which helps keep employee benefit costs stable from year to year.
Fast, accurate payments. Most health and dental health claims are paid within 48 hours.
Guaranteed and non-cancellable, regardless of your firm’s size.
Guaranteed coverage for firms with 3 or more people.
Outstanding, local customer service.
Best Doctors. Proudly provided to each individual covered under the Chambers Plan, Best Doctors connects patients and their physicians with world renowned specialists to confirm diagnosis and correct treatment plans.
The North Saskatoon Business Association (NSBA) is a member-driven organization that serves and promotes business in Saskatoon and beyond.
The NSBA has partnered with Saskatchewan Blue Cross since 2007 to provide its members with comprehensive group benefits plan options at industry-competitive costs. This exclusive group benefits plan is available to all NSBA member companies with 3 or more employees. As a broker for the NSBA, Wiegers Financial & Benefits can help tailor a group benefits plan to meet the needs of each NSBA member company.
Plan Highlights:
Health (includes Hospital, Ambulance, Health Practitioners, Drugs, Vision, and Travel)
Dental (includes Basic, Major, and Orthodontic)
Short and Long-Term Disability Insurance
Group Life/Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance
Dependent Life Insurance
Critical Illness Insurance
Employee Family Assistance Program
Health and Personal Spending Account
Saskatchewan Blue Cross does not require any medical information from you or your employees. Claims can be submitted direct to the provider or via online claims submission. There is also an option for employees to convert their Group Life, Health and Dental benefits upon leaving employment or retirement.
Mechanical Contractors Association of Saskatchewan (MCAS) Group Benefits Plan
Why Join?
The Mechanical Contractors Association of Saskatchewan’s (MCAS) group benefits plan includes the most sought-after group Life and Health Insurance benefits at highly competitive rates. Once your MCAS benefits plan is in place, and as long as you keep your MCAS membership and pay your premiums on time, your group will have benefits.
Plan Highlights:
Guaranteed coverage
Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance
Coverage for sickness and injury
Healthcare, including a Pay Direct Drug Card and Vision Care
Travel Insurance
Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP)
Critical Illness Insurance
Health Spending Account
Personal Spending Account
Members and their employees/families also have access to Wiegers Financial & Benefits’ dedicated team of specialists in:
Financial Planning
Investment Programs
Retirement Strategy
Insurance Options
Banking Solutions
Corporate Insurance Advice
Individual Pension Plans
“We have member companies with our plan across the province and the level of service that each client receives is exceptional, regardless of their location. The Wiegers Financial & Benefits team is always willing to go that extra mile for our members.”
We are here to help you succeed, and look forward to helping you find the right balance between meeting present obligations and securing the future comfort of your business. Contact us today to see how.PLEASE SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE TO SUBMIT YOUR COMPLETED FORM.
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Your consent is required to comply with Canada’s new anti-spam legislation, effective July 1st, 2014. The Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) is an act to promote the efficiency and adaptability of the Canadian economy by regulating certain activities that discourage reliance on electronic means of carrying out commercial activities. CASL intends to regulate the distribution of commercial electronic messages (CEMs) in order to reduce spam.
We value our relationship with you and respect your right to choose what communications you receive electronically. We require your consent to continue sending you CEMs. This includes, but is not limited to, emails and SMS messages. Information sent electronically includes, but is not limited to:
Segregated Funds Investment Accounts Insurance policies Group benefit plans Quotes Appointment requests Appointment summaries Newsletters Seminar and event information
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