Your employees work had for you. Why not work hard for them? Offer competitive pension benefits to all of your employees, so they can secure their futures after retirement.
A Registered Pension Plan (RPP) is a form of trust that provides pension benefits for an employee upon retirement. RPP’s are registered with the Canada Revenue Agency. Both the employee and employer, or just the employer, make contributions to this retirement plan until the employee either leaves the company or retires. An RPP has to be set up by an employer, and registered by Wiegers Financial & Benefits, to provide an employee with a pension when they retire. RPP amounts can include:
Contributions for current service
Contributions for past service as of 1990 or later years
Contributions for past service for 1989 or earlier years while a contributor
Contributions for past service for 1989 or earlier years while not a contributor
Contributions to an RPP are tax deductible for both the employee and employer. Contributions to the plan and gains on underlying assets are tax deferred, so the funds are taxed when they are withdrawn from the plan.
A Wiegers advisor can help you determine the best plan for your business and your employees – fill out the form below.
Request a Quote
We are here to help you succeed, and look forward to helping you find the right balance between meeting present obligations and securing the future comfort of your business. Contact us today to see how.PLEASE SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE TO SUBMIT YOUR COMPLETED FORM.
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Your consent is required to comply with Canada’s new anti-spam legislation, effective July 1st, 2014. The Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) is an act to promote the efficiency and adaptability of the Canadian economy by regulating certain activities that discourage reliance on electronic means of carrying out commercial activities. CASL intends to regulate the distribution of commercial electronic messages (CEMs) in order to reduce spam.
We value our relationship with you and respect your right to choose what communications you receive electronically. We require your consent to continue sending you CEMs. This includes, but is not limited to, emails and SMS messages. Information sent electronically includes, but is not limited to:
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