Our Group Benefits Division brings a lot to the table. With more than 150 years of combined benefits experience and expertise, we’ve come to know what works best in helping employees understand the value of their benefits plan. Without a doubt, what works best is effective communication and education. The even better news is that you can play a crucial role in this process by taking proactive steps to help. Here’s how you can do it.
1. Hire a Benefits Advisor
If you don’t already work with an experienced benefits advisor who is committed to helping your employees and you know the value of your benefits plan, this is an important first step. An advisor can custom-design a benefits plan that meets the wants and needs of your employees while working within your budget. What’s more, an advisor is uniquely-positioned to help educate your employees and you about what the plan will do for them, and how it can be used most effectively.
2. Provide Comprehensive Information
One of the first steps your advisor should – and really must – take is provide comprehensive plan information to your employees. This includes an employee booklet that details the various benefits offered. Your advisor should also explain how each benefit works, including any eligibility requirements, coverage limits, and important deadlines. This step alone will go far in helping educate your employees about the value of their benefits plan.
3. Hold Informational Sessions
The advisor should hold informational sessions to educate your employees about the value of their benefits plan. These can be conducted in-person or virtually, and provide your employees with an important opportunity to ask questions about their benefits.
4. Emphasize How the Benefits Plan Can Help
Another important way of educating your employees about the value of their benefits plan is to explain all the ways it can help them. Your advisor should clearly explain how the plan helps protect your employees and their families, and how it provides financial security in the event of illness, injury, or other unforeseen circumstances.
5. Educate Your Employees About How to Use Their Plan
A strong benefits advisor will also help your employees understand how to access and utilize their benefits. This can include providing information on how to file claims, find in-network providers, and access online portals or mobile apps for managing benefits. Remember also to regularly communicate any updates or changes to the plan so your employees are kept informed and up to date. Employees who know how to easily use their benefits plan are more likely to value their benefits plan.
6. Encourage Your Employees to Use Their Benefits Proactively
Your benefits plan can be an important tool in helping your employees be proactive about their health too. Various wellness benefits might be available, including smoking cessation programs or Wiegers Financial & Benefits’ own Wellness Partners Program, so be sure to let your employees know. You can also offer incentives or rewards for employees who actively participate in wellness programs or take steps to improve their health.
Your Employees Want to Value Their Benefits Plan, and You Can Help
You play a key role in helping your employees understand and value their benefits plan. Your benefits advisor and support team do too. In the video below, I provide more tips about how employers can keep their teams educated about their benefit plans. I hope you enjoy it.
To learn more about helping your employees value their benefits plan, please contact us.
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