At Wiegers Financial & Benefits, we deeply understand that a thriving community benefits everyone. in 2019, we began supporting Grillin’ For Gratitude, a turnkey fundraiser for local charities to raise money for their cause. Read more as we explain how impactful this fundraiser is!
Community is the heart and soul of society. It’s the network of people and resources that come together to create a vibrant and supportive environment. A thriving community is essential for the well-being of individuals, families, and businesses. This is one of the reasons we have chosen to partner with Ideas Inc. to support Grillin’.
“Community is part of our values, and I’m grateful to have a team here at Wiegers that is passionate about it as well. We are proud to support Grillin’ For Gratitude as a sponsor and a source of volunteerism within our team.” – Colton Wiegers
What sets Grillin’ for Gratitude apart is its noble mission and the steadfast support it receives from its Title Sponsor, Wiegers Financial & Benefits, and BBQ Sponsor, Boryski’s Butcher Block Ltd. This support enables smaller charities to keep 100% of all proceeds while also not requiring large amounts of spending upfront which is crucial for volunteer driven groups. We are incredibly proud to empower local non-profits, providing them with the platform and resources they need to continue their vital work.
We take immense pride in saying that Grillin’ has not just raised over $40,000 for the community since its formation, but it has also ignited a spirit of giving and community engagement. With burgers and hot dogs sizzling on the grill, each Saturday becomes an opportunity for these smaller charities to raise much-needed funds, engage volunteers, and spread valuable awareness for their cause!
As Grillin’ for Gratitude prepares to kick off another season of giving, non-profit organizations still have opportunities to host their community BBQ at Gather Local Market. Weekly BBQs will begin on May 4th. If you know a local charity that is interested, contact INFO@GATHERLOCALMARKET.CA today to secure their spot. Read below to learn more about opportunities local charities can take advantage of!
“Building Community, Guiding Futures, Together Towards Better”
So far for the 2024 Grillin’ For Gratitude season we have the following organizations booked in:
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